Employment Law

Forensic Psychology Group


Expert Psychological Services in Employment Law Cases

The Forensic Psychology Group provides expert services in a wide range of issues involved in employment law cases, including psychological evaluations, psychological reports, and expert witness testimony. Founded by distinguished psychologist and attorney Stephen Reich, each group member has extensive experience in the psychological impact of on-the-job discrimination. They bring their expertise to bear on cases of race discrimination, age discrimination, gender discrimination, GLBT discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, religious discrimination, sexual harassment, disability discrimination, and genetic discrimination. While the specifics of the abuse will vary from case to case, in every case a supervisor, employer, or coworkers have allegedly abused someone working in their department or chain of command.

Psychological Evaluations in Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

When abuse is based on gender, the employer or supervisor has stepped over the bounds of professional propriety and made unwelcome comments about the employee's body, his or her sexual desirability or, in some cases, about sexual acts that s/he would like to perform with the employee. The abuse may involve actual touching or speech - or making the employee uncomfortable by violating his or her personal space. In all of these cases the damage done to the employee is emotional or psychological in nature. Even in cases where the victim is not discharged and suffers no economic injury, this conduct is unlawful and creates a hostile work environment that can have a devastating impact on the employee. The experts of the Forensic Psychology Group evaluate the psychological impact of sexual harassment and testify on their findings.

Assessment in Cases of Discrimination Based on Race, Religion or Age

Race, religious, and age discrimination are persistent problems in the workplace. When employees are treated differently based on their religion (or lack thereof), subjected to harassment because of their religious beliefs, or retaliated against if they complain about such treatment, the impact on the victim can be severe. Unequal treatment based on race, religion or age can be subtle, yet often has serious consequences on the victims' lives.

Well-Researched and Documented Expert Reports

The reports produced by members of the Forensic Psychology Group are written clearly, simply, in down to earth, jargon-free language so that the judge and jury will have a clear understanding of the impact of discrimination on the victim. In conducting a psychological evaluation of an employee in an employment discrimination case, the experts at the Forensic Psychology Group elicit a full biographical profile of the employee as he or she has functioned in life prior to beginning work under the abusing employer. In this manner, it becomes possible to vividly show the differences between an individual's functioning before and after the traumatic incidents in the workplace. After the employee has fully described the traumatic events, a diagnostic assessment is made about the impact of the alleged discrimination on the employee. In all cases, there is a complete inquiry in order to determine the elements of causality on the part of the employer in producing the emotional distress experienced by the employee. Reports conclude with a prognostic statement about the impact on the employee for the future.

Expert Witness Testimony in Employment Law Cases

In addition to expert psychological diagnostic evaluations, Dr. Reich and his associates serve as expert witnesses in employment law cases. Dr. Stephen Reich and the experts of the Forensic Psychology Group have extensive experience in working collaboratively with attorneys on a wide range of employment law cases. Contact Dr. Stephen Reich at 800-852-2160 to discuss your expert needs.